您现在的位置: 广州达辰设备制造有限公司 > 商铺首页 |
广州达辰设备制造有限公司,是一家专注于软管包装行业自动化设备的设计、开发和制造的创新型生产企业。公司自成立以来,凭借丰富的经验和过硬的技术,不断锐意进取,开拓创新,已成为软管包装行业内领先的自动化设备制造商。 “达辰”以客户的需求为导向,为客户提供定制化的设备和解决方案。公司坚持对产品的改进和创新,本着“以创新求发展”的务实理念,积极寻求国内外业务伙伴,在平等互惠的基础上,实现长期合作、与客户共赢。
经营理念:精益求精,追求卓越;诚信经营,合作共赢 企业宗旨:品质~~,服务至上 企业精神:爱厂,敬业,开拓,创新
Dachen is a creative company specialized in the designing, development and manufacturing of automatic equipment in soft tube packaging business, which is widely used in the cosmetic, food, pharmacy industry among others.
Insisting on the philosophy of developing by innovation, Dachen could provide both customized equipment and tailored engineering service solutions with increased automation and greater efficiency, which would bring our customers a lower overall cost per unit resulting in profitability.
Main products: Flip type automatic head/shoulder moulding machine, rotary automatic head/shoulder moulding machine, automatic filling sealing machine, multi-function automatic capping machine, plastic tube unscramble machine and punching machine.
At Dachen, we are not only focused on the supply of machines, but also on building long-term cooperation with our customers.
QQ:2465460648 企业公众号:dachenequipment info@dcpackequip.com www.dcpackequip.com
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_dachenequipment.html 主营业务:主营产品:塑料软管和铝塑复合软管注头注肩机,旋盖锁盖机,灌装封尾机,软管理管机,打孔切管机,软管品质完检机等。 经营模式:
生产型 成立年份:2017年 |
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